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Conquering Dragons: Excelling at Math

Arithmetic, Mathematics, most commonly known as Math involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers to be left with more numbers. Should be simple enough right? Yeah! I say so too. Pretty simple stuff. Yet, as a little girl straight into “teendom”, Math seemed to be a ferocious, fire-breathing šŸ”„, man-eating, mean dragonšŸ‰ that wouldn’tā€¦

Helpful Tips to Adopt Lifelong Learning Habits

Most people will learn something new at some point in their daily routine just by talking with people, browsing the internet based on personal interest, reading the newspaper, or engaging in personal interest. However, if making more effort to learn something new is important for either personal, family, or career reasons, or there is aā€¦

Learning 2.0 by C. Capozzoli

The more I search, the more I find
The more I find, the more I read
The more I read, the more I think
The more I think, the more I learn

The more I learn, the more I do
The more I do, the more I create
The more I create, the more I share
The more I share, the more I collaborate

The more I collaborate, the more I communicate
The more I communicate, the more I connect
The more I connect, the more I learn, the more I KNOW
And the more intelligent I GROW!

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